My Stuff

A curated list of ideas and works, old and new. See also a list of lectures, talks and presentations.

Current projects

Distributed Design Mentor Scheme - Mentoring community-based projects (since 2023).

Semente - An interactive method to create and re-generate community-based initiatives (2022-). Project supported by the University of Bristol.

Tropixel - Brazil-based network on arts, science, technology and society (since 2013 as a festival, reactivated as ongoing online group in 2020).

Past projects

ALGO - Co-design lab studying the relation between algorithmic biases and racial justice in Brazil (2023). Part of a research project to create a critical videogame challenging algorithmic racism, supported by the University of Bristol.

OpenDoTT - PhD research on waste prevention and generous cities, part of the Open Design of Trusted Things project of University of Dundee Northumbria University and Mozilla Foundation (2019-2023). Funded by the EU’s Horizon 2020 / Marie Skłodowska-Curie research and innovation programme.

On the Exactitude of Maps - Artwork and situated research on implications of geospatial data in contemporary society (2023). Created within the project CODE - Reclaiming Digital Agency (Impakt, Transmediale, CPDP).

Scaling Distributed Manufacturing in the Global South - Report commissioned by UK's Frontier Tech Hub (2023).

Tales of Care and Repair - stories about repairs in Brazil, England and India (2021). Commissioned by the British Council’s Creative Commissions programme – a series of creative commissions exploring climate change through art, science and digital technology. - Public repository of open educational resources on digital rights (2021). Project supported by the University of Bristol.

ID21 - A study about digital inclusion and communities in Brazil (2021). Supported by the University of Bristol.

Inovação Cidadã - Conceitos - Open learning itinerary on 'citizen innovation' (2019 / 2020). Based on a consultancy to the Culture Administration of Santo André Municipality (Brazil).

TransforMatéria - Open investigation about potential connections between maker culture, repair/reuse and craftsmanship.

Ciência Aberta Ubatuba - Ubatuba Open Science, action-research project (2015-2017). Part of the OCSDNet and supported by IDRC.

Rede//Labs - open research about networked labs and experimental digital culture (2009-2016).

BricoLabs - international network on free/open hardware, software, spectrum and culture, and generic infrastructures (2006-2013).

MetaReciclagem network - critical appropriation of technologies for social change (2003-2012).

MutGamb - Mutirão da Gambiarra editorial collective (2008-2012).

Desvio - Experimental / art collective (2008-2012).

efeefe - my old blog.


A short note (September 2024): I started writing this text around June 2024 as I prepared to participate on an event about open source. Since time is not always linear, it took me longer to finish this one than to write a narrower report of the event and my reflections about it. If you read that...

Berlin, August 2024

Felipe Schmidt Fonseca |

The world is full of things. Many of those things were made by humans, using materials sourced ultimately from nature. But such materials won’t always return gracefully to where they came from. The process...

I was recently in New York City, for two combined events about “open source”. Even typing these words right now makes me quite conscious of how this may sound somehow anachronistic these days. Not that (free and) open source software is not present in virtually everyone's lives in one way or the oth...

Update: the current version of this text was included as a chapter of Driving Design II, published by the Distributed Design Plaform. That version is available as a free PDF from their website, but there are some minor errors. I corrected them and made an edited PDF available here (13,4 Mb...

As part of the CODE programme led by Impakt, I have collaborated with Rebekka Jochem to conduct research and create artworks investigating the impact of maps in contemporary life, labour and cities. The collaboration generated a mobile audioguide and a physical installation.

On the Exactitude of Maps

This piece d...

I collaborated with a group of brilliant researchers and practitioners conducting a "deep dive" study about the expansion of distributed manufacturing in the Global South commissioned by the UK's Frontier Tech Hub. This endeavor generated valuable insights into this crucial domain and allowed us t...

Para boa parte das iniciativas brasileiras de referência sobre o uso de tecnologias digitais em comunidades, a expressão inclusão digital é incompleta e pode levar a distorções. Ainda assim, é um campo que possui relevância institucional e social, como espaço importante de engajamento e visibilida...

Chapter of the book Contextualizing Openness: Situating Open Science, edited by Leslie Chan, Angela Okune, Rebecca Hillyer, Denisse Albornoz, and Alejandro Posada. The chapter is an outcome of the Ciencia Aberta Ubatuba project.

Authors: Sarita Albagli, Henrique Parra, Felipe Fonseca, and Maria...

On a fine afternoon of June, I was interviewed for the Restart Podcast. The conversation covered a number of subjects - from my background in the MetaReciclagem project to the social meaning of Gambiarra, as well as brazilian politics now and fifteen years ago. I believe we talked for more than one...

The paper presents a critical analysis of the possibilities and limits of the Institutional Analysis and Development (IAD) framework, proposed by Elinor Ostrom and researchers from Indiana School, specially addressing the mutual relations between natural and knowledge commons. It is based on the r...

Walking. Headphones connected to the screenie. Not surpringly, I listen to Code 46's soundtrack. The heat is mild, the sun has set a few hours ago. I cross avenues of smooth tarmac and fast cars, exploring mentally the map that I avoid consulting in my pocket. Some families stroll through the park t...

REDE//LABS is the umbrella containing a series of projects I have developed between 2009 and 2017, with a focus on laboratories and experimental digital culture. Documentation about REDE//LABS can be found below:

Relato publicado na LIINC em Revista v.13 n. 1. DOI: 10.18617/liinc.v13i1.3903


A imagem de laboratório cidadão tem sido utilizada para descrever um campo vasto de iniciativas que de fato compartilham características organizacionais, de repertório, aspirações e metodologias. As mesmas i...

Post publicado no blog TransforMatéria sobre minha primeira aproximação ao tema da Economia Circular. Infelizmente, como costuma acontecer, parte dos links no post original apontam para páginas web que já não estão mais disponíveis. Acabei removendo dessa introdução essas URLs quebradas.

No fi...

This is the second of two texts, written in October 2016, resulting from my period as a resident researcher in Nantes, invited by PiNG Association. It was published originally on Medium. There is a french version here. It is preceded by the other part titled “Knowledge, Skill and Labor”, ava...