OpenDoTT (Open Design of Trusted Things) was "a PhD programme to explore how to build a more open, secure, and trustworthy Internet of Things". I have moved in 2019 to Dundee to work at the Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design, and relocated later to Berlin to work at the Mozilla Foundation. The academic side of the project has migrated from the University of Dundee to Northumbria University in June 2020.

The title of my thesis is Generous cities – weaving commons-oriented systems for the reuse of excess materials in urban contexts.

I am gradually moving relevant documentation to a public wiki. I maintain a list of links with the tag opendott in my infinite bookmark collection.

I have used this blog to document what I read, learnt and discovered as I went deeper into my research. Earlier outputs can be seen in this set of concept ideas(2020) and this repository with second year deliverables (2021).

EU Flag This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 813508.

Internet of Things + Smart City + Open Design + Trust = commons of material resources.

Claude Lévi-Strauss, Tristes Tropiques, 1955 (found on Upcycle, McDonough + Braungart):

Cities have often ben likened to symphonies and poems, and the comparison seems to me a perfectly natural one. They are, in fact, objects of the same kind. The city may even be rated higher since it stand...

The city is the quintessential makerspace

Be it under craft, making or repair related contexts, fabrication equipment (digital and otherwise) are everywhere in most cities. How are people learning and generating knowledge around it? How do communities relate to it? What are the game rules, ownersh...

How about we think not only of connected things, but all sorts of matter flows in the city? Objects and their transformations - use, discard, reuse, upcycling, repurposing...

In 2016, building up on previous work (namely MetaReciclagem, Bricolabs, Lixo Eletrônico, Desvio and my residence in Doha) and trying to establish a connection between opportunities being planned for later that year, I figured there were unexplored possibilities in relating repair, traditional craft...

Desvio was an experimental collective I was part of since about 2008 til, probably, 2011 or 2012. It originated from the MetaReciclagem network, but was a little more focused into artistic and critical approaches, possibly in an attempt to move away from the usual categorisation of MetaReciclagem as...

How to frame the "internet of things" in my research?

How about an internet of all things? An internet of everything?

Internet of shared objects. Internet of common materials. Internet of forms of matter.

Anne Mikoleit, Moritz Puerckhauer. Urban Code: 100 Lessons for Understanding the City. ISBN 978-3-85676-290-2

P. 73

61. Shop owners put their trash bags out on the street

There are primarily ilogical reasons for the fact that trash lies on the streets. If one had the choice, the courtyard wo...

Networked technologies are becoming ubiquitous in human dwellings of all scales and development phases. On the one hand authorities are increasingly incorporating information technologies in an attempt to increase efficiency of public administration. On the other hand, citizens can leverage their wi...

Excerpts from my Career Development Plan, written during my first days in Dundee.

Networked technologies are becoming ubiquitous in human dwellings of all scales and development phases. On the one hand authorities are increasingly incorporating information technologies in an attempt to increase...