My Stuff

A curated list of ideas and works, old and new. See also a list of lectures, talks and presentations.

Current projects

Distributed Design Mentor Scheme - Mentoring community-based projects (since 2023).

Semente - An interactive method to create and re-generate community-based initiatives (2022-). Project supported by the University of Bristol.

Tropixel - Brazil-based network on arts, science, technology and society (since 2013 as a festival, reactivated as ongoing online group in 2020).

Past projects

ALGO - Co-design lab studying the relation between algorithmic biases and racial justice in Brazil (2023). Part of a research project to create a critical videogame challenging algorithmic racism, supported by the University of Bristol.

OpenDoTT - PhD research on waste prevention and generous cities, part of the Open Design of Trusted Things project of University of Dundee Northumbria University and Mozilla Foundation (2019-2023). Funded by the EU’s Horizon 2020 / Marie Skłodowska-Curie research and innovation programme.

On the Exactitude of Maps - Artwork and situated research on implications of geospatial data in contemporary society (2023). Created within the project CODE - Reclaiming Digital Agency (Impakt, Transmediale, CPDP).

Scaling Distributed Manufacturing in the Global South - Report commissioned by UK's Frontier Tech Hub (2023).

Tales of Care and Repair - stories about repairs in Brazil, England and India (2021). Commissioned by the British Council’s Creative Commissions programme – a series of creative commissions exploring climate change through art, science and digital technology. - Public repository of open educational resources on digital rights (2021). Project supported by the University of Bristol.

ID21 - A study about digital inclusion and communities in Brazil (2021). Supported by the University of Bristol.

Inovação Cidadã - Conceitos - Open learning itinerary on 'citizen innovation' (2019 / 2020). Based on a consultancy to the Culture Administration of Santo André Municipality (Brazil).

TransforMatéria - Open investigation about potential connections between maker culture, repair/reuse and craftsmanship.

Ciência Aberta Ubatuba - Ubatuba Open Science, action-research project (2015-2017). Part of the OCSDNet and supported by IDRC.

Rede//Labs - open research about networked labs and experimental digital culture (2009-2016).

BricoLabs - international network on free/open hardware, software, spectrum and culture, and generic infrastructures (2006-2013).

MetaReciclagem network - critical appropriation of technologies for social change (2003-2012).

MutGamb - Mutirão da Gambiarra editorial collective (2008-2012).

Desvio - Experimental / art collective (2008-2012).

efeefe - my old blog.


Berlin, August 2024

Felipe Schmidt Fonseca |

The world is full of things. Many of those things were made by humans, using materials sourced ultimately from nature. But such materials won’t always return gracefully to where they came from. The process...