Save this Thing
A website with a geo-referenced open directory of shops, professionals and groups that offer alternatives to reuse materials.
Save this Thing is a geo-referenced and user evaluated open directory of repair professionals, zero waste initiatives (community repair, upcycling, swap shops, etc), craftspeople, hardware stores, maker spaces, charity shops, recycling points, etc.
Relation to other concept ideas
Save this Thing uses data from the Universal Registry of Things and is also related to Point and Reuse.
Open Questions
- How best to implement user-based trust/reputation systems? Karma / testimonials.
- Can any one professional be listed by someone involuntarily?
! to come
Main target groups
- Citizen / Household
- Professional Repair
- Community Reuse
Supporting Research Data
"It’s knowing where to look for people that you can in some way trust with your device or item"
Repair Directory
Broken gadget? No time to fix it yourself or to bring it to a Restart Party in London? Search the Restart Repair Directory to find a reliable repair business in your area. This is a beta release and includes businesses in 12 boroughs in London.
Use Make Works to source local fabricators, material suppliers & workshop facilities.
We build easy-to-use tech to connect UK waste producers to licensed waste services and simplify compliance. We believe in making the relevant data accessible and convenient to use, driving behaviour change and creating value by maximising the utility of waste.
Remap Berlin
Altes Sofa, defekter Toaster oder zu kleiner Pulli - was tun mit kaputten, ausgedienten oder anderen Gegenständen, die Du nicht mehr brauchst? Frag die ReMap und finde den umweltfreundlichsten Weg sie weiterzugeben oder zu entsorgen. Auch in Sachen Reparatur, Second Hand, Leihen und Tauschen hilft Dir die ReMap weiter. Sie zeigt Dir die richtigen Adressen in Deiner Nähe und im Internet. So wird Zero Waste ganz einfach.
Images used on this page
- Header image: Map by Waldemar Brandt Unsplash.